生成器 (电脑编程)



使用 编辑

生成器通常在一个循环内部被调用。[4] 生成器第一次被调用是在进入这个循环结构时,创建一个对象以封装生成器的状态、绑定的实参。生成器的实体接着被执行直至遇到一个特别的yield动作,在这里提供给yield动作的值被返回给调用者。在下一次调用同一个生成器的时候,生成器从yield动作之后恢复执行,直到遇上另一个yield动作。生成器的执行也可以遇到finish动作而终止。


如果需要及早求值(主要是在序列是有限的时候,否则求值将永不终止),可以使用列表或使用并行结构来创建一个列表替代生成器。例如,Python的一个生成器g,通过l = list(g),可被求值成列表l。而在F#中,序列表达式seq { ... },将除了[ ... ]之外的惰性的(生成器或序列)求值为及早的(列表)。

在有生成器出现的情况下,语言的循环构造,比如forwhile,可以归约成一个单一的loop ... end loop构造;可以用合适的生成器以正确的方式,顺畅的模拟所有常见的循环构造。例如,一个按范围的循环如for x = 1 to 10,可以通过生成器而被实现为迭代,比如Python的for x in range(1, 10)。进一步的,break可以被实现为向生成器发送finish,而接着在循环中使用continue

历史 编辑


语言实例 编辑

CLU 编辑


string_chars = iter (s: string) yields (char);
  index: int := 1;
  limit: int := string$size (s);
  while index <= limit do
    yield (string$fetch(s, index));
    index := index + 1;
end string_chars;

for c: char in string_chars(s) do

Icon 编辑



   local squares, j
   squares := create (seq(0) ^ 2)
   every j := |@squares do
      if j <= 20 then


C++ 编辑


   // place for all variables used in the generator
   int i; // our counter

   // place the constructor of our generator, e.g. 
   // descent(int minv, int maxv) {...}
   // from $emit to $stop is a body of our generator:
   $emit(int) // will emit int values. Start of body of the generator.
      for (i = 10; i > 0; --i)
         $yield(i); // a.k.a. yield in Python,
                    // returns next number in [1..10], reversed.
   $stop; // stop, end of sequence. End of body of the generator.


int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  descent gen;
  for(int n; gen(n);) // "get next" generator invocation
    printf("next number is %d\n", n);
  return 0;

C++11提供的foreach loop可用于任何具有beginend成员函数的类。还需要有operator!=, operator++operator*。例如:

#include <iostream>
int main()
    for (int i: range(10))
        std::cout << i << std::endl;
    return 0;


class range
    int last;
    int iter;

    range(int end):

    // Iterable functions
    const range& begin() const { return *this; }
    const range& end() const { return *this; }

    // Iterator functions
    bool operator!=(const range&) const { return iter < last; }
    void operator++() { ++iter; }
    int operator*() const { return iter; }

C# 编辑

C# 2.0开始可以利用yield构造生成器。

// Method that takes an iterable input (possibly an array)
// and returns all even numbers.
public static IEnumerable<int> GetEven(IEnumerable<int> numbers) {
    foreach (int i in numbers) {
        if ((i % 2) == 0) {
            yield return i;

可以使用多个yield return语句:

public class CityCollection : IEnumerable<string> {
    public IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator() {
        yield return "New York";
        yield return "Paris";
        yield return "London";

Python 编辑


def countfrom(n):
    while True:
        yield n
        n += 1

# 例子使用: 打印出从10到20的整数
# 注意这个迭代通常会终止,尽管 
# countfrom()被写为了无限循环

for i in countfrom(10):
    if i <= 20:


import itertools
def primes():
    yield 2
    n = 3
    p = []
    while True:
        # 这有效于Python 2.5+ 
        if not any(n % f == 0 for f in 
                     itertools.takewhile(lambda f: f*f <= n, p)): 
            yield n
        n += 2


PEP 380 (Python 3.3开始)增加了yield from表达式,允许生成器将它的一部分操作委托给另一个生成器。[10]

生成器表达式 编辑


squares = ( n*n  for n in countfrom(2) )

for j in squares:
    if j <= 20:

Smalltalk 编辑

下面例子使用Pharo Smalltalk黄金分割率生成器对goldenRatio next调用,每次返回一个更加逼近的黄金分割率:

goldenRatio := Generator on: [ :g |
    | x y z r | 
	x := 0.
	y := 1.
		z := x + y.
		r := (z / y) asFloat.
		x := y.
		y := z.
		g yield: r
	] repeat	

goldenRatio next.


(1 to: 10) collect: [ :dummy | goldenRatio next].

参见 编辑

注释 编辑

  1. ^ 存档副本. [2017-11-30]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-25). 
  2. ^ Kiselyov, Oleg. General ways to traverse collections in Scheme. January 2004 [2017-11-30]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-22). 
  3. ^ O. -J. Dahl; C. A. R. Hoare. Hierarchical Program Structures. C. A. R. Hoare (编). Structured Programming. London, UK: Academic Press. 1972: 175–220. ISBN 978-0122005503. In SIMULA, a coroutine is represented by an object of some class, co-operating by means of resume instructions with objects of the same or another class, which are named by means of reference variables. ……
    Thus a main program may establish a coroutine relationship with an object that it has generated, using the call/detach mechanism instead of the more symmetric resume/resume mechanism. In this case, the generated object remains subordinate to the main program, and for this reason is sometimes known as a Semicoroutine. ……
    Let X and Y be objects, generated by a "master program" M. Assume that M issues a call (X), thereby invoking an "active phase" of X, terminated by a detach operation in X; and then issues a call (Y), and so forth. In this way M may act as a "supervisor" sequencing a pattern of active phases of X, Y, and other objects. Each object is a "slave", which responds with an active phase each time it is called for, whereas M has the responsibility to define the large scale pattern of the entire computation.
    Alternatively the decision making may be "decentralised", allowing an object itself to determine its dynamic successor by a resume operation. The operation resume (Y), executed by X, combines an exit out of X (by detach) and a subsequent call (Y), thereby bypassing M. Obligation to return to M is transferred to Y.
  4. ^ The Icon Programming Language utilizes generators to implement its goal directed evaluation. In Icon, generators can be invoked in contexts outside of the normal looping control structures.
  5. ^ Liskov, Barbara. A History of CLU (PDF). April 1992 [2008-03-08]. (原始内容 (pdf)存档于2003-09-17). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Python Enhancement Proposals: PEP 255: Simple Generators页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), PEP 289: Generator Expressions页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), PEP 342: Coroutines via Enhanced Generators页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  7. ^ yield (C# Reference). [2017-11-30]. (原始内容存档于2016-11-16). 
  8. ^ Liskov, B.; Snyder, A.; Atkinson, R.; Schaffert, C. Abstraction mechanisms in CLU. Communications of the ACM. 1977, 20 (8). doi:10.1145/359763.359789. 
  9. ^ 存档副本. [2017-11-30]. (原始内容存档于2019-02-07). 
  10. ^ PEP 380 -- Syntax for Delegating to a Subgenerator. [2017-11-30]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-04). 

参考文献 编辑