
建議強度評比系統(The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation approach,簡稱GRADE)是評估證據確定性和保健建議的一種方法[1]。GRADE始於2000年。GRADE將證據質量分為高、中、低、極低四個等級。超過100個組織(包括世界衛生組織、哥倫比亞衛生部等)認可和使用GRADE來評估證據的質量和保健建議[2][3]


  1. ^ Schünemann, HJ; Best, D; Vist, G; Oxman, AD. Letters, numbers, symbols, and words: How best to communicate grades of evidence and recommendations?. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2003, 169 (7): 677–80. 
  2. ^ GRADEpro. Gradepro.org. [16 August 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-26). 
  3. ^ The Saudi Center for Evidence Based Healthcare (EBHC) - Clinical Practice Guidelines. web.archive.org. 2016-02-25 [2021-02-19]. 原始內容存檔於2016-02-25.