WGS84 {latdegabs}° {latminint}′ {latsecdec}″ {latNS}, {londegabs}° {lonminint}′ {lonsecdec}″ {lonEW} ({latdegdec}, {londegdec})
UTM {utmzone} {utmeasting} {utmnorthing}
Antipole {latantipodes}, {longantipodes}
种类 {type}
位于 {region}
比例 ± 1:{scale}

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使用以下 HTML 标记在其他网站使用 - 如果是 XHTML ,需添加适当的结束斜线。请添加相关模板(如{{coord}})或 infobox 以在维基百科条目上加入坐标。

XML 编辑

Wiki markup 编辑

  • "Display": article is display inline with text, title will display in top corner of page
  • Bolding: This is the code that you most likely want
  • Input format: d = Degrees, dm = Degree-Minutes, dms = Degree-Minutes-Seconds

English Wikipedia 编辑

The following {{Coord}} code is provided for use in the English Wikipedia, and others where supported.

Wikimedia Commons 编辑

More information: Commons Geocoding

Other wikis 编辑

The following code is provided for use in other Wikipedias.

Coor * templates 编辑
Coord template 编辑
Coordinate template 编辑
gis geo tag 编辑

Code for wikis using the gis Extension