纳米,又称奈米,为微米的千分之一倍(符号 nm英式英语nanometer美式英语nanometer,字首 nano希腊文中的原意是“侏儒”的意思),是一个长度单位,指1的十亿分之一(10-9m)。

有时候也会见到(符号 Å)这个单位,为10-10m

1奈米(nm)= 10 (Å)= 10-9m


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  • Preparation, Characterization, and Antitumor Efficacy of Evodiamine Loaded PLGA Nanoparticles. Drug Delivery. 2014:1-9. (IF 2.202)
  • Nucleolin Targeting AS1411 Aptamer Modified pH-Sensitive Micelles for Enhanced Delivery and Antitumor Efficacy of Paclitaxel. Nano Research. 2015; 8(1): 201-218. (IF 6.963)
  • pH-triggered charge-reversal and redox-responsive nanosystems for efficient docetaxel delivery in hepatocellular carcinoma treatment. Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 15763-15779. (IF: 7.394)
  • Glycyrrhetinic Acid-decorated and Reduction-sensitive Micelles to Enhance Bioavailability and Anti-hepatocellular Carcinoma Efficacy of Tanshinone IIA. Biomaterials Science. (In Press, IF: 3.831)

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