戈多丁威爾斯語Y Gododdin,发音:[ɡɔˈdɔðɪn])是次罗马时期不列颠东北部(现在的英格兰东北部和苏格兰东南部)的一支的布立吞人,位于被称为“古老北地”的地区。戈多丁由威尔士语诗歌《戈多丁》得以闻名,这首诗记录了卡特里克之战,通常认为是阿内林所著。


注释 编辑

  1. ^ 克罗狄斯·托勒密, "Geographia英语Geographia (Ptolemy)" (ca. 2nd century)

参考资料 编辑

  • Ian Armit (1998). Scotland's Hidden History (Tempus [in association with Historic Scotland]) ISBN 0-7486-6067-4
  • Kenneth H. Jackson (1969). The Gododdin: The Oldest Scottish poem (Edinburgh: University Press)
  • Stuart Piggott (1982). Scotland Before History (Edinburgh: University Press) ISBN 0-85224-348-0
  • W.J. Watson (1926, 1986). The History of the Celtic Place-Names of Scotland: being the Rhind lectures on archaeology (expanded) delivered in 1916. (Edinburgh, London: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1926; Edinburgh: Birlinn, 1986, reprint edition). ISBN 1-874744-06-8

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