

  • 他們被重新定向了。
  • 他們可能在尋找一篇使用更具體、已消歧義的標題的條目。
  • 他們可能是在尋找一篇名字與它相似、或在其他情況下可能與它相混淆,帶著頂註的條目。



  1. 直接連結到其他條目;不要管道連結到非消歧義的連結。連結到重新導向通常是不可取的,雖然也可能出現例外情況。連結到消除歧義的頁面應該要以「(消除歧義)」結尾,即使該版本的標題是一個重新導向。
  2. 儘量少解釋;只解釋重要的資訊,讓條目的序言章節主體為讀者闡明事情。
  3. 只有當讀者有誤入該條目、或是心中想的是另一個主題卻入錯了條目,的合理可能性,你才提出其他主題和條目。
  4. 然而,如果一個顯著的主題小明通常被稱為「小華」,但「小華」這篇條目並不是關於小明的,就「必須」要有一個連結到關於小明的條目的頂註,「或者」連結到一個包含小明的條目連結的消歧義頁面。
  5. 理想的情況是,在頁面或章節的頂部,將頂註限制為一個。如果有不同的目的,例如消除名稱相似的主題和解釋重新導向,那麼多個頂註可能是合適的。(在這種情況下,可以考慮使用{{hatnote group}}。


位置 編輯

將頂註放在條目或章節的頂部。當在條目的頂部使用時,頂註緊接在簡短描述模板下面,但完全地高於其他任何東西,包括保護圖示或維護標籤[1]純文字瀏覽器英語Text-based web browser螢幕閱讀器則會依序呈現頁面。如果讀者到達了不對的頁面,他們應該首先發現這個。


格式 編輯

大多數情況下,頂註應盡量使用標準頂註模板建立,如下列§ 頂註模板所示。這可以讓註解的形式和結構能夠隨百科全書的需要而一致地變化,而且在列印時可以將這些模板排除。



長度和個數 編輯


如果一個給定的術語存在一個消歧義頁面,那麼連結到它就足夠了。例如,如果條目是天龍八部,那麼它的頂註將連結到天龍八部_(消歧義);它不應該有其他同樣被稱為天龍八部的主題的條目,如天龍八部 (1982年電視劇)天龍八部 (2002年遊戲),因為它們已經在消歧頁中列出。然而,如果有相當多的讀者期待這篇條目會出現在相關的標題下,那麼這樣的單一條目是可以被連結:例如,蘋果是與水果有關,但是許多讀者期待會在這個標題下找到關於手機的文章;因此,那裡的頂註正確地寫為

{{about|水果和植物|美國科技公司|苹果公司|其他用法|苹果 (消歧义)}}



概述與否 編輯

有些頂註消歧義模板會包括一段當下條目的主題的簡短摘要,某些模板沒有。例如,在康熙條目,可以使用模板 {{about}}

或是,也有人會使用{{other uses}}


適當使用的範例 編輯

相似標題的兩個項目 編輯

This article is about the village in England. For H. P. Lovecraft's fictional town, see Dunwich (Lovecraft).

Dunwich (pronounced Dun-Itch) is a town in the county of Suffolk in England, the remnant of what was once a prosperous seaport and centre of the wool trade during the early middle ages, with a natural harbour formed by the mouths of the River Blyth...

當兩個項目擁有相同的標題,一個已消歧義、另一個尚未消歧,未消歧義的項目應該包含一個頂註及通往另一個項目的連結。這時候不需要建立單獨的消歧義頁面。{{about}}模板可能適用此例。在這個例子裡原始碼為 {{about|the village in England|H. P. Lovecraft's fictional town|Dunwich (Lovecraft)}}.

連結至消歧義頁 編輯

關於「小甜甜」的其他意思,詳見「小甜甜 (消歧義)」。


For other uses, see Monolith (disambiguation).

A monolith is a monument or natural feature such as a mountain, consisting of a single massive stone or rock. Erosion usually exposes these formations...

當用語有一個主要的含義,和兩個或更多的意涵,主要題目頁面的頂註應該連結至消歧義頁。 {{otheruses}} 模板可能適用此例。


本文介紹的是關於希臘神話的迷宮。關於其他用法,詳見「迷宮 (消歧義)」。


This article is about the mazelike labyrinth from Greek mythology. For other uses, see Labyrinth (disambiguation).

In Greek mythology, the Labyrinth was an elaborate maze-like structure constructed for King Minos of Crete and designed by the legendary artificer Daedalus to hold the Minotaur...

{{about}} 模板可能適用此例。在這種情況下,參數為{{about|關於希臘神話的迷宮}}

由曖昧用語重新導向至清晰名稱的項目 編輯




拿破崙」重新導向至此。關於其他同名人物或拿破崙的其他意思,詳見「拿破崙 (消歧義)」。

拿破侖·波拿巴Napoléon Bonaparte,1769年8月15日—1821年5月5日),即拿破侖一世Napoléon Ier),出生於科西嘉島法國軍事家政治家法蘭西第一共和國第一執政(1799年1804年)……

Johann Sebastian Bach

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Bach)

"Bach" redirects here. For other uses, see Bach (disambiguation).

Johann Sebastian Bach (發音為/joˈhan/ˈjoːhan zeˈbastjan ˈbax/) (March 21, 1685 O.S.July 28, 1750 N.S.) was a prolific German composer...

不適當使用的範例 編輯

瑣細資訊、字義、俚語 編輯



  • 經世濟民,表示治理世事,使富裕民生。
  • 經濟 (經濟學),指一定範圍(國家、區域)內,組織一切生產、分配、流通和消費活動與關係的系統之總稱。
  • 用較少的付出獲得較大的成效。



  • 上空或稱無上裝,女性乳房無遮蔽物的狀態。
  • 反向於地面,上方的天空
  • 自己頭頂上的一帶(但一般低於雲層),別人或外物越過這個範圍就會失去安全感或感到騷擾。與天空略有不同。


  • 尺度,處事或看待事物的標準
  • 尺度 (天氣),天氣系統的大小及持續時間


  • 包袱,出行時用布裹成的行囊,後借指負擔。
  • 包袱 (相聲),一種相聲表演方式。


  • 大號,一種低音銅管樂器,這種樂器是體積最大、音域最低的銅管樂器,在管弦樂隊、管樂隊中經常使用。
  • 大號亦可指某種物件在尺寸、重量、體積或容量上很大。
  • 正式名稱,同「大名」,和「小名」相對。
  • 中國某些地方,大號指廁所
  • 某些地區稱大便


  1. 對壘壕溝包圍城鎮或堡壘,見攻城戰
  2. 金融經濟學密切相關,有數種意思的術語。以下詳述


During a siege, to invest a town or fortress means to surround it with a contravallation and a circumvallation.

Investment is a term with several closely related meanings in finance and economics. It refers to the accumulation of some kind of asset in hopes of getting a future return from it...


在這種情況下,沒有直接消歧義,而列出的註解必然非大多數讀者的興趣。適當的消歧義只需要連接到一個單獨的頁面——杜松 (消歧義)大號 (消歧義)天花 (消歧義)大陸 (消歧義)en:Invest (disambiguation)

關於該主題的正統資訊 編輯

A previous version of the Aisha article showed:

Ayesha is sometimes used as a woman's name. Once popular only among Muslims, it was briefly popular among English-speakers after it appeared in the book She by Rider Haggard.

Aisha or Ayesha (Arabic عائشه `ā'isha = "she who lives") was a wife of the Islamic prophet Muhammad...

This is a typical and highly improper misuse of disambiguating hatnotes. Instead, the information belongs in the body of the article, or in the articles about the book, or in a separate article about names, or all three places. Hatnotes are meant to reduce confusion and direct readers to another article they might have been looking for, not for information about the subject of the article itself.

連結至與主題高度相關的項目 編輯

This article is about the scientific study of extraterrestrial life; for treatment in popular culture, see Extraterrestrial life in popular culture.

Extraterrestrial life is life that may exist and originate outside the planet Earth. Its existence is currently hypothetical: there is as yet no evidence of extraterrestrial life that has been widely accepted by scientists...

Instead of using a hatnote, it is better to summarize Extraterrestrial life in popular culture under a subsection of Extraterrestrial life in conjunction with the {{main}} template. Alternatively, it could be linked to in the See also section.

並非曖昧的清晰項目名稱 編輯

Tree (set theory)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other uses, see Tree (disambiguation).

In set theory, a tree is a partially ordered set (poset) in which there is a single unique minimal element (called the root) and in which the set of elements less than a given element is well ordered...

Here, the problem is that a reader following links within Wikipedia or using Wikipedia's own search engine would not have ended up at tree (set theory) if they were interested in other types of trees, as tree does not redirect there.

However, a hatnote may still be appropriate when even a more specific name is still ambiguous. For example, Matt Smith (comics) might still be confused for the comics illustrator Matt Smith (illustrator).

A hatnote may also be appropriate in an unambiguously named article when an ambiguous term redirects to it, as explained in the "Proper uses" section above.

多餘連結 編輯

One should not link terms other than the desired target in the hatnote. For example:

WTIX (980 AM) is a radio station broadcasting a Sports radio format.

In this case, the link to New Orleans, Louisiana in the hatnote is inappropriate. Only the possible other destination (WIST (AM)) should be linked.

外部連結 編輯

A previous version of the Hurricane Katrina article contained:

If you are trying to locate someone missing in Hurricane Katrina, or register yourself as found, you can use the site www.disastersearch.org [1]

Hurricane Katrina, which made landfall near New Orleans, Louisiana, on August 29, 2005, was one of the most destructive and expensive tropical cyclones to hit the United States...

The use of external help links in Wikipedia, though noble, cannot reasonably be maintained. In special cases, a link to an "External links" section with several links may be appropriate, but POV favoritism can be obstructive. In this case, the hatnote was removed entirely.

不存在的項目 編輯


頂註模板 編輯

一般的頂註 編輯


  • {{Hatnote|CUSTOM TEXT}}
{{Hatnote|For other senses of this term, see [[etc...]]}}
  • {{Self reference}} (一個用於自我參照維基百科資料的通用模板)

Other uses of the same title ("For ..., see ...") 編輯


"This page is about ... For other uses, see..." 編輯


注意:當在主命名空間(又稱主空間)中使用時,下面的頂註中的 "頁面 "一詞被替換為 "文章"。

  • {{About|TOPIC}}
  • {{About|USE1||PAGE2}} (When the disambiguation page has a different name – Note the empty second parameter) →
  • {{About|USE1|USE2|PAGE2}} (When there is only one other use) →
  • {{About|USE1|USE2|PAGE2|and|PAGE3}} (Two pages for USE2) →
  • {{About|USE1|USE2|PAGE2#SUBSECTION{{!}}PAGE2TITLE}} (Using the {{!}} magic word to give the link a different title) →
  • {{About|USE1|USE2|PAGE2|other uses}} (When there are several standard other uses and also a disambiguation page with default name – Note that the last page name is not specified) →
  • {{About|USE1|USE2|PAGE2|other uses|PAGE3}} (When there are several standard other uses and also a disambiguation page with non-default name) →
  • {{About||USE2|PAGE2|USE3|PAGE3|other uses}} (When you don't need to state the focus of this article/page – Note the empty first parameter) →
  • {{About|||PAGE1|and|PAGE2}}
Note: {{for||PAGE1|PAGE2}} produces the same result.
Note: this hatnote says "section", instead of "article" or "page".
  • {{About|USE1|text=TEXT}}

"This page is about ... It is not to be confused with ..." 編輯

{{About-distinguish}} is a template for noting other uses when there could be confusion with another topic.

"For ..., see ..." 編輯

{{For}} can be used instead of {{About}} so as not to display: This page is about USE1. but still specify a specific other use. This effect can also be achieved by using an empty first parameter in {{About}} as in:

For example: {{For|OTHER TOPIC|PAGE1}} is the same as {{About||OTHER TOPIC|PAGE1}} (note the empty first parameter).

However, it is somewhat clearer when using the {{For}} template, since the word "about" does not appear in the statement.

  • {{For|OTHER TOPIC}}
As with {{Other uses}}, there is a whole family of "for" templates. {{For2}} allows custom text, such as quotation marks or a link from part of the "CUSTOM TEXT", but does not supply automatic wikilinking
  • {{For2|OTHER TOPIC|CUSTOM TEXT}} (note how CUSTOM TEXT isn't bluelinked)
It also supports up to three topics:

"For other uses, see ..." 編輯

When such a wordy hatnote as {{About}} is not needed, {{Other uses}} is often useful.

  • {{Other uses}}

   關於與「Wikipedia:頂註」標題相近或相同的計畫頁,請見「Hatnote (disambiguation)」。

  • {{Other uses|PAGE1}}


  • {{Other uses|PAGE1|PAGE2}}


There are, historically, a whole family of "other uses" templates for specific cases. {{About}} is the standard hatnote for "other uses" and many of them can be specified using the {{About}} template. However, the individual templates may be easier to use in certain contexts.
Here are the variations and (when appropriate) the equivalents using the {{About}}, {{Other uses}} or {{For}} templates.
"For other uses of ..., see ..."

Redirect 編輯

"... redirects here. For other uses, see ..." 編輯

  • {{Redirect|REDIRECT}}
  • {{Redirect|REDIRECT||PAGE1}}
  • {{Redirect|REDIRECT|USE1|PAGE1}}
  • {{Redirect|REDIRECT|USE1|PAGE1|USE2|PAGE2}}
  • {{Redirect|REDIRECT|USE1|PAGE1|and|PAGE2}}

"For technical reasons, ... redirects here. ... 編輯

... redirects here. It is not to be confused with ... 編輯

Similar proper names ("For other people named ...") 編輯

Other people 編輯

Note: defaults to "named" as in {{Other people}}, exists for options like "nicknamed", "known as", etc.

Other places/ships/hurricanes 編輯

Distinguish 編輯

"Not to be confused with ..." 編輯

"... redirects here. It is not to be confused with ..." 編輯

Family names 編輯

Family names can also be clarified using inline footnotes, such as with {{Efn Chinese name}}.

For use in sections 編輯

"Main article: ..." 編輯

{{Main}} is used to make summary style explicit, when used in a summary section for which there is also a separate article on the subject:

"Further information: ..." 編輯

{{Further}} can supplement {{Main}} in summary sections, or can indicate more details in nonsummary sections:

  • {{Further|PAGE}}
  • {{Further|PAGE1|PAGE2|PAGE3}}
  • {{Further|topic=TOPIC|PAGE1|PAGE2|PAGE3}}
  • {{Further2|[[PAGE1]], [[PAGE2]], and other text}}
  • {{Further ill}} may be used to link to articles containing further information on a topic, where English Wikipedia does not yet have an article, but another language Wikipedia does.

"See also ..." 編輯

{{See also}} can be used at the head of a section.

Note: use only when OTHER TOPIC PAGE is related to current article and contains a self-explanatory parenthetical.

Article or section transclusions 編輯

For category pages 編輯

Category-specific templates:

This is a template for linking categories horizontally. Horizontal linkage is often the right solution when vertical linkage (i.e., as sub-category and parent category) is not appropriate. In most cases, this template should be used on both categories to create reciprocal linkage between the two categories.

Correct titles 編輯

"The correct title of this article is ... The substitution or omission of the (or, without a reason: "It appears incorrectly here") ... is due to technical restrictions."

Lists 編輯

在建立或編輯一個模板之前要做什麼 編輯


  1. 是否已經有模板能夠達成這個功能?由於有許多消歧義和重新導向頁面已經被建立,請先檢查Category:頂注模板
  2. 我是否真的需要新的模板才能實現這個功能?它是否會被用在其他頁面上?或者我只應該用{{Hatnote}}就夠了?在新增的模板之前,請參考Wikipedia:模板命名空間中的相關說明。
  3. 如果我修改了現有模板的參數,我是否知道其結果是什麼?它是否會破壞現有的模板呼叫?如果破壞了,我能不能全都修好?


另見 編輯

參考 編輯

  1. ^ 請參見MOS:SECTIONORDER以獲得頂註的位置的具體細節。
  2. ^ The acceptability of multiple hatnotes was clarified in a 2016 discussion.