


化石時期:52–0 Ma
始新世 - 現代
大花龍腦香 Dipterocarpus grandiflorus
科學分類 編輯
界: 植物界 Plantae
演化支 維管束植物 Tracheophyta
演化支 被子植物 Angiosperms
演化支 真雙子葉植物 Eudicots
演化支 薔薇類植物 Rosids
目: 錦葵目 Malvales
科: 龍腦香科 Dipterocarpaceae
Blume, 1825


分類 編輯


生長在南美蓋亞那高原地帶的Pakaraimaea roraimae過去曾被歸類於本科,自成Pakaraimoideae亞科,現已知屬於半日花科

參考文獻 編輯

  • Ashton, P.S. Dipterocarpaceae. Flora Malesiana, 1982 Series I, 92: 237-552.
  • Maury-Lechon, G. and Curtet, L. Biogeography and Evolutionary Systematics of Dipterocarpaceae. In A Review of Dipterocarps: Taxonomy, ecology and silviculture, 1998. Appanah, S. and Turnbull, J.M. eds. Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia. ISBN 979-8764-20-X.
  • Dayanandan, S. Ashton, P.S. Williams, S.M. Primack, R.B. 1999. Phylogeny of the tropical tree family Dipterocarpaceae based on nucleotide sequences of the chloroplast RBCL gene. American Journal of Botany. 86(8): 1182.
  • M. Ducousso, G. Béna, C. Bourgeois, B. Buyck, G. Eyssartier, M. Vincelette, R. Rabevohitra, L. Randrihasipara, B. Dreyfus, Y. Prin. The last common ancestor of Sarcolaenaceae and Asian dipterocarp trees was ectomycorrhizal before the India-Madagascar separation, about 88 million years ago. Molecular Ecology 13: 231 January 2004.

外部連結 編輯

  1. ^ Shenkin, Alexander; Chandler, Chris J.; Boyd, Doreen S.; Jackson, Toby; Disney, Mathias; Majalap, Noreen; Nilus, Reuben; Foody, Giles; bin Jami, Jamiluddin; Reynolds, Glen; Wilkes, Phil. The World's Tallest Tropical Tree in Three Dimensions. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 2019, 2. ISSN 2624-893X. doi:10.3389/ffgc.2019.00032. 
  2. ^ Draven, James. Ho Chi Minh City: Trees a crowd. National Geographic. National Geographic. 2018-10-02 [2023-03-10]. (原始內容存檔於2023-08-08) (英國英語).