
语言支持 编辑

支持属性的编程语言有:ActionScript 3、C#DDelphi/Free PascaleCF#KotlinJavaScriptObjective-C 2.0PythonScalaSwiftLuaVisual Basic

一些面向对象语言,如JavaC++,不支持属性,而要求编程者写一对accessor与mutator方法。 C++可以通过运算符重载来模拟属性。

不同的语法 编辑


点表示法 编辑



方括号表示法 编辑



具体语言实现举例 编辑

C# 编辑

class Pen 
    private int color; // private field
    // public property
    public int Color 
            return this.color;
            if (value > 0) {
                this.color = value;
// accessing:
Pen pen = new Pen();
int color_tmp = 0;
// ...
pen.Color = 17;
color_tmp = pen.Color;
// ...
pen.Color = ~pen.Color; // bitwise complement ...

// another silly example:
pen.Color += 1; // a lot clearer than "pen.set_Color(pen.get_Color() + 1)"!


class Shape 
    public Int32 Height { get; set; }
    public Int32 Width  { get; private set; }

C++ 编辑


#include <iostream>

template <typename T> class property {
        T value;
        T & operator = (const T &i) {
            return value = i;
        // This template class member function template serves the purpose to make
        // typing more strict. Assignment to this is only possible with exact identical types.
        // The reason why it will cause an error is temporary variable created while implicit type conversion in reference initialization.
        template <typename T2> T2 & operator = (const T2 &i) {
            T2 &guard = value;
            throw guard; // Never reached.

        // Implicit conversion back to T. 
        operator T const & () const {
            return value;

struct Foo {
    // Properties using unnamed classes.
    class {
            int value;
            int & operator = (const int &i) { return value = i; }
            operator int () const { return value; }
    } alpha;

    class {
            float value;
            float & operator = (const float &f) { return value = f; }
            operator float () const { return value; }
    } bravo;

struct Bar {
    // Using the property<>-template.
    property <bool> alpha;
    property <unsigned int> bravo;

int main () {
    Foo foo;
    foo.alpha = 5;
    foo.bravo = 5.132f;

    Bar bar;
    bar.alpha = true;
    bar.bravo = true; // This line will yield a compile time error
                      // due to the guard template member function.
    ::std::cout << foo.alpha << ", "
                << foo.bravo << ", "
                << bar.alpha << ", "
                << bar.bravo
                << ::std::endl;
    return 0;

C++, Microsoft & C++Builder的方言语法 编辑

例子来自MSDN documentation page页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆):

// declspec_property.cpp
struct S
   int i;
   void putprop(int j)
      i = j;

   int getprop()
      return i;

   __declspec(property(get = getprop, put = putprop)) int the_prop;

int main()
   S s;
   s.the_prop = 5;
   return s.the_prop;

JavaScript 编辑

function Pen() {
    this._color = 0;
// Add the property to the Pen type itself, can also
// be set on the instance individually
Object.defineProperties(Pen.prototype, {
    color: {
        get: function () {
            return this._color;
        set: function (value) {
            this._color = value;
var pen = new Pen();
pen.color = ~pen.color; // bitwise complement
pen.color += 1; // Add one

Python 编辑

Python 2.2开始的new-style classes (即派生自object的类)支持属性。见the relevant section of the tutorial Unifying types and classes in Python 2.2页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)。Python 2.6支持了定义属性的装饰器语法。

class Pen:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._color = 0  # "private" variable

    def color(self):
        return self._color

    def color(self, color):
        self._color = color
pen = Pen()
# Accessing:
pen.color = ~pen.color  # Bitwise complement ...

参见 编辑