欧几里得数都是整数,其形式为En = pn + 1,其中pnpn素数阶乘 。命名是由古希腊数学家欧几里德来命名。


consider any finite set of primes 
(not necessarily the first n primes;
 e.g. it could have been the set {3, 11, 47}),
 and then went on from there to the conclusion 
that at least one prime exists that is not in that set.




3, 7, 31, 211, 2311, 30031, 510511 (OEIS数列A006862).


E6 = 13# + 1 = 30031 = 59 × 509是第一个欧几里得合数

欧几里得数不能是平方数. 因为欧几里得数除以4都余3. 对于所有的n ≥ 3的En(欧几里得数)之最后一位数字永远是1,因为En − 1必能被2和5整除(n ≥ 3)。

参考文献 编辑

  1. ^ Michael Hardy and Catherine Woodgold, "Prime Simplicity", Mathematical Intelligencer, volume 31, number 4, fall 2009, pages 44–52.
  2. ^ A. Borning, "有些结果  and  " Math. Comput. 26 (1972): 567 - 570.
  3. ^ 本段是译自Euclid number英语Euclid number的文字第2段
  4. ^ Proposition 20. (原始内容存档于2011-01-23). 

参见 编辑