
普羅可布咖啡館(Café Procope)位於巴黎第六區的老喜劇院街(rue de l'Ancienne Comédie),被稱為巴黎最古老的連續開業的餐館[1]

在普羅可布咖啡館:從左至右依次為:孔多塞侯爵、La Harpe、伏爾泰(舉起手臂)和狄德羅

歷史 編輯

它在1686年開業[2],由意大利西西里人Francesco Procopio dei Coltelli開設,得名於東羅馬歷史學家普羅科匹厄斯,他的《秘史》講述了查士丁尼一世、他的狄奧多拉皇后和他的宮廷的醜聞[3]


圖片 編輯

參考 編輯

  1. ^ Time, "The Great Cafes of Paris". [2014-03-14]. (原始內容存檔於2013-08-14). 
  2. ^ Bell, David A. "Culture and Religion." Old Regime France: 1648-1788. Ed. William Doyle. Oxford [u.a.: Oxford Univ., 2003. 78-104. Print.
  3. ^ Whether or not the Procopio was an addition to his name, his son, naturalised as Michel Procope-Couteau (1684–1753), was a doctor of medicine, a Freemason by 1727, a writer, wit and bon vivant who became a librarian at the Faculty of Medicine late in life. (Gordon R. Silber, "In Search of Helvetius' Early Career as a Freemason" Eighteenth-Century Studies 15.4 (Summer 1982, pp. 421-441) pp 432ff.