未穿內褲免着內褲(英語:going commando)為一服裝穿着的俚語,用來通稱下半身無需一般內衣物的狀態(對男性稱free-balling,對女性則稱free-buffing[1]

有些特定款式的服裝,如單車短褲在設計穿着時無需內衣褲,而蘇格蘭裙在歷來傳統上並不另穿內衣褲[2][3]。這種免穿內衣褲情況也適用在大多數的泳衣、運動服[註 1]或各式睡衣[4]

日語「ノーパン」稱下半身未著其他內衣物,例如已穿着褲裝裙裝,但只是未著內褲(並未裸體或完全未着衣)——和製英語ノー・パンツ(no pants)、ノー・パンティー(no panties)兩者的略稱。

英語 編輯

詞源 編輯

英語的go commando(字面意思為「進入別動隊模式」),追溯其起源或意義有些含混不清,目前某些觀察可能指:出行在外(out in the open)或(軍事上)即將動作(ready for action)[5]

日本 編輯

健康研究 編輯


性風俗或戀物 編輯


另見 編輯

  • 未戴胸罩
  • 裙底風光(upskirt):常指未經授權許可前,對女人裙下拍攝(影像範圍可能包括其胯部與所穿着內衣物之一部份)。

註釋 編輯

  1. ^ 例如 《網球女孩》攝影照的場景。

參考資料 編輯

  1. ^ Donald, Graeme, Sticklers, Sideburns and Bikinis: The military origins of everyday words and phrases, Osprey Publishing: 94, 2008 [2012-10-19], ISBN 9781846033001 
  2. ^ Uniform, Gordon highlanders 1914–18, [2015-09-08], (原始內容存檔於2021-03-05), He told her the battalion never wore them. She didn’t believe him, so before he returned she made him a pair – but on his first spell in the trenches they were done away with, and his mother’s work had gone for nothing. 
  3. ^ The Real Story, The Real Story: What does a Scotsman wear under his kilt?, [2015-09-08], (原始內容存檔於2021-05-10), However, there is nothing mysterious about what was worn below the clansmen's shirts. "You cannae tak the breeks aff a Hielanman!", runs an old saying, signifying the futility of attempting the impossible! 
  4. ^ nightwear(或稱:sleepwear、nightclothes、nightdress)英語Nightwear,包括「pajamas」(睡衣)在內。
  5. ^ Gisesa, Nyambega. When a little goes a long way to ruin your reputation. Zuqka. Nairobi: Nation Media Group. 16 April 2012-04-16 [2013-09-17]. (原始內容存檔於2013-07-23). It's during the Vietnamese war, that the earliest cases of going without underwear were recorded. It meant ... being "out in the open" or "ready for action". 
  6. ^ 丸山淳士; 佐藤則幸. 脱パンツ健康法~ゴム紐以前、人はもっと元気だった. 日本: 祥傳社. 1991. ISBN 9784396103149 (日語).