


  •   甘比亞
  •   ECOWAS聯軍


卡薩芒斯 MFDC英語Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance[2][3]



岡比亞 葉海亞·賈梅
岡比亞 索爾·巴吉(Saul Badjie)[4]
本傑明·耶騰(Benjamin Yeaten)[4]
岡比亞 阿達馬·巴羅
塞內加爾 麥基·薩勒
奈及利亞 穆罕默杜·布哈里
加納 納納·阿庫福-阿多
岡比亞 2,500名士兵(甘比亞軍隊)[7]
卡薩芒斯 180名士兵[8]

塞內加爾 7,000名士兵[10][11]
奈及利亞 200-800名士兵[12]

加納 205名士兵[14]
岡比亞 約125名士兵(甘比亞海軍)[6]

國際干預 編輯


參考文獻 編輯

  1. ^ Jammeh's party petitions Supreme Court to halt Barrow's investiture. AfricaNews. 2017-01-20 [2017-01-20]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-14). 
  2. ^ Kwanue, C. Y. Gambia: Jammeh 'Imports Rebels'. 2017-01-18 [2017-01-20]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-20) –透過AllAfrica. 
  3. ^ Ewubare, Kess. BREAKING: Gambian Navy desert Jammeh, declare allegiance to Barrow. [2017-01-20]. (原始內容存檔於2017-02-01). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Kwanue, C. Y. Gambia: Jammeh 'Imports Rebels'. 2017-01-18 [2017-01-20]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-20) –透過AllAfrica. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Jones, Bryony; Westcott, Ben; Masters, James. Gambia: Defeated leader Yahya Jammeh faces military showdown. CNN. 2017-01-20 [2017-01-21]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-20). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Ewubare, Kess. BREAKING: Gambian Navy desert Jammeh, declare allegiance to Barrow. [2017-01-19]. (原始內容存檔於2017-02-01). 
  7. ^ 存档副本. [2017-01-19]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-19). 
  8. ^ THE 2004 TRUCE HAS ENDED. Wikileaks. 2006-08-21 [2014-11-06]. (原始內容存檔於2017-08-08). 
  9. ^ 存档副本. [2017-01-20]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-20). 
  10. ^ Jones, Bryony; Westcott, Ben; Masters, James. Gambia: Defeated leader Yahya Jammeh faces military showdown. CNN. 2017-01-20 [2017-01-21]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-20). 
  11. ^ America's 'war on terror' gains a new ally: tiny Senegal - VICE News. [2017-01-19]. (原始內容存檔於2017-02-02). 
  12. ^ Nigeria sends troops, jets to Senegal for Gambia force. [2017-01-19]. (原始內容存檔於2017-02-02). 
  13. ^ 存档副本. [2017-01-19]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-20). 
  14. ^ Ghana to deploy troops to Gambia border. [2017-01-19]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-18). 
  15. ^ At least 26,000 people flee Gambia to Senegal as refugees -UN. Thomson Reuters Foundation. [2017-01-20]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-20). 
  16. ^ Baloch, Babar. Senegal: Around 45,000 have fled political uncertainty in The Gambia. 2017-01-20 [2017-01-20]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-20). 
  17. ^ 冈比亚落选总统拒下台 非洲国家忙斡旋. 美國之音. 2017-01-19 [2017-01-19]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-20). 
  18. ^ Regional Troops Enter Gambia in Effort to Get Jammeh to Go. ABC News. 2017-01-19 [2017-01-20]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-20). 
  19. ^ Gambia crisis: Senegal sends in troops to back elected leader. BBC. 2017-01-19 [2017-01-20]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-20). 
  20. ^ Gambia's Yahya Jammeh confirms he will step down. Aljazeera. 2017-01-21 [2017-01-21]. (原始內容存檔於2020-08-29). 
  21. ^ Gambia's Yahya Jammeh agrees to step down peacefully and red carpet is rolled out at the airport, amid last-ditch negotiations. Telegraph. 2017-01-21 [2017-01-21]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-21). 
  22. ^ Gambia's former leader Jammeh flies into exile: mediators. Reuters. 2017-01-21 [2017-01-22]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-22). 
  23. ^ Gambia: Defeated leader Jammeh leaves country after election loss. CNN. 2017-01-22 [2017-01-21]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-20).