中校 (英国皇家海军)

在英国皇家海军中,中校(英语:CommanderCdr)是一个资深军官阶级。地位高于少校英语Lieutenant commander (Royal Navy),但低于海军上校。在NATO中,相当于第四级军官(OF-4)。位阶相当于中校。军阶徽章有三个金色编织环,顶部有一个圆环[1]


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参考来源 编辑

  1. ^ Uniforms and Badges of Rank at Royal Navy website. [7 September 2015]. (原始内容存档于2009-01-27). 
  2. ^ Rodger, N. A. M. Commissioned officers' careers in the Royal Navy, 1690–1815. Journal for Maritime Research. 2001, 3 (1): 88–89. doi:10.1080/21533369.2001.9668314. 
  3. ^ Baugh, Daniel A. British Naval Administration in the Age of Walpole. Princeton University Press. 1965. ISBN 978-0691051079. OCLC 729683642.