
彼得·达马托Peter D'Amato)为美国作家、食虫植物商人。其为坐落于塞瓦斯托波尔的加州食虫植物苗圃的所有者。1998年,他出版了关于食虫植物种植的书籍——《野性花园》。[1][2][3][4][5][6]1999年,该书获得了美国园艺协会图书奖及美国园艺作家协会的毛笔·铲子奖。[7]


学历 编辑


事业 编辑

彼得·达马托在40年间种植了大量食虫植物。1989年,他开办了加州食虫植物苗圃(California Carnivores plant nursery)。彼得·达马托也是海湾地区食虫植物协会(Bay Area Carnivorous Plant Society )的创始人之一。他也常在国际食虫植物协会的《食虫植物通讯》上发表论文。[8]


出镜 编辑


  • Home and Garden Network programs
  • Martha Stewart Living
  • Various travel and garden shows[8]

参考文献 编辑

  1. ^ Snyder, G. 1998. Savage Garden: Carnivorous plants fill Sonoma County greenhouse with bizarre beauty. San Francisco Chronicle, October 30, 1998.
  2. ^ Lee, L. 2002. Sonoma's little shop of horrors: The world's largest public collection of carnivorous botanicals lurks in Sebastopol. San Francisco Chronicle, October 25, 2002.
  3. ^ Coffey, G. 2002. Weird world of the bug eaters: Carnivorous plants nibble at gardeners' sense of curiosity. San Francisco Chronicle, November 6, 2002.
  4. ^ Van Cleef, L. 2004. The Savage Garden. San Francisco Chronicle, July 21, 2004.
  5. ^ Yollin, P. 2007. Garden of savage delights: Carnivorous plant show comes to Golden Gate Park页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). San Francisco Chronicle, May 4, 2007.
  6. ^ Eaton, J. & R. Sullivan 2010. Snared by a taste for carnivorous plant life. San Francisco Chronicle, July 14, 2010.
  7. ^ D'Amato, P. The Savage Garden: Cultivating Carnivorous Plants. Berkley: Ten Speed Press. 1998. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 California Carnivores - About Us. California Carnivores. [22 January 2013]. (原始内容存档于2008年9月1日). 

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