

目标和范围 编辑

Labels logo

本计划致力于维基社群所急,制作标记资料库。此资料库用途多样,例如研究分析(如对新来者特性做定性分析[1]、编辑的互动作用[2])与开发高级维基工具(如en:User:ClueBot NGen:WP:STiki使用的模型)。一般制作此类资料库并不易,它需要一小群人需要投入大量时间精力,手工解码出大小适当的数据库。


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合作项目 编辑

修订版本评分作为服务 编辑

Revision scoring logo

Many of Wikipedia's most powerful tools rely on machine classification of edit quality. In this project, we'll construct a public queryable API of machine classified scores for revisions. It's our belief that by providing such a service, we would make it much easier to build new powerful wiki tools and extend current tools to new wikis. In order to build powerful machine classifiers, we must start with high quality labeled data. That's where Wiki labels comes in. See WP:Labels/Edit quality.

ORES logo

The primary way that wiki tool developers will take advantage of this project is via a restful web service and scoring system we call ORES (Objective revision evaluation service). ORES provides a web service that will generate scores for revisions on request. For example, http://ores.wmflabs.org/scores/enwiki?revids=34854258&models=reverted asks for the score of the "reverted" model for revision #34854258 in English Wikipedia.

参考资料 编辑

  1. ^ Halfaker, A., Geiger, R. S., Morgan, J. T., & Riedl, J. (2012). The rise and decline of an open collaboration system: How Wikipedia’s reaction to popularity is causing its decline. American Behavioral Scientist, 0002764212469365. summary full paper
  2. ^ m:Grants:IEG/Editor Interaction Data Extraction and Visualization