敘述 编辑

Template for a direct linking to records in the GESTIS Substance Database of the IFA英语Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Usage in articles on chemicals, especially for citing chemical properties using references

參數 编辑

  • ZVG: the ZVG number is a record number internally used in the GESTIS Substance Database
  • CAS: the CAS registry number
  • Name: name of the substance (optional)
  • Date: the date of the (last) access to the database

ZVG and CAS can be used concurrently, but one of them is sufficient. Date is intended to be filled in.

使用 编辑

{{GESTIS|ZVG= |CAS= |Name= |Date= }}

or inside a reference

<ref name="GESTIS">{{GESTIS|ZVG= |CAS= |Name= |Date= }}</ref>

一般範例 编辑

{{GESTIS|ZVG=14280|CAS=102-71-6|Date=21 October 2007}}

results in

Record of CAS RN 102-71-6 in the GESTIS Substance Database from the IFA英语Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, accessed on 21 October 2007

Example inside a reference 编辑

Value<ref name="GESTIS">{{GESTIS|ZVG=14280|CAS=102-71-6|Date=21 October 2007}}</ref>

results in


  1. ^ Record of CAS RN 102-71-6 in the GESTIS Substance Database from the IFA英语Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, accessed on 21 October 2007