
物種 Homo sapiens
基因數量 800-1200

相关性状 编辑

  • 血型

位于9号染色体的基因 编辑

参考文献 编辑

  • Gilbert F; Kauff N. Disease genes and chromosomes: disease maps of the human genome. Chromosome 9. Genet Test. 2001, 5 (2): 157–74. PMID 11551106. 
  • Humphray SJ; Oliver K, Hunt AR; et al. DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 9. Nature. 2004, 429 (6990): 369–74. PMID 15164053. 
  • Wicking C; Berkman J; Wainwright B. Fine genetic mapping of the gene for nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome. Chromosome 9. Genomics. 1994, 22 (3): 505–11. PMID 8001963. 

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