

阿法爾三角(又稱阿法爾窪地)是由阿法爾三重交界處英语Afar Triple Junction造成的地質窪地,是東非東非大裂谷的一部分。


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參考書目 编辑

  • Barberi, F.; Borsi, S.; Ferrara, G.; Marinelli, G.; Santacroce, R.; Tazieff, H.; Varet, J. Evolution of the Danakil Depression (Afar, Ethiopia) in Light of Radiometric Age Determinations. Journal of Geology. 1972, 80 (6): 720–729. Bibcode:1972JG.....80..720B. doi:10.1086/627797. 
  • Bojanowski, Axel. Africa's New Ocean: A Continent Splits Apart. Spiegel Online. 2006-03-15 [2006-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2012-06-04).  Includes a photo essay of the region and its geologic changes.
  • Kloos, Helmut. Development, drought and famine in the Awash valley of Ethiopia. African Studies Review. 1982, 25 (4): 21–48. JSTOR 524399. doi:10.2307/524399. 
  • Ethiopian xeric grasslands and shrublands. 陸地生態區. 世界野生動物基金會. 
  • Jon Kalb: Adventures in the Bone Trade. The Race to Discover Human Ancestors in Ethiopia's Afar Depression. Copernicus Books, New York 2001, ISBN 0-387-98742-8
  • Jeangene Vilmer, Jean-Baptiste; Gouery, Franck. Les Afars d'Éthiopie. Dans l'enfer du Danakil. 2011. ISBN 9782352701088. (原始内容存档于2013-07-31). 

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