
富勒生理学教授(英語:Fullerian Professor of Physiology)是一个荣誉职位,由约翰·“疯狂杰克”·富勒英格兰伦敦英国皇家科学研究所设立[1]

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  1. ^ John Fuller: Patron of the Royal Institution页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Retrieved January 2007.
  2. ^ Dr. W. Bateson, F.R.S., appointed Fullerian professor of physiology for a term of 3 years. Nature. 7 Dec 1911, 88: 185. doi:10.1038/088184a0.  Many sources list Bateson as Fullerian Professor of Physiology from 1912–1914; the source are basically correct because Bateson assumed the appointment in January 1912 and vacated the appointment in January 1915. Technically, one might say Bateson held the professorship in 1912–1915.

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