注意:保存之后,你必须清除浏览器缓存才能看到做出的更改。Google ChromeFirefoxMicrosoft EdgeSafari:按住⇧ Shift键并单击工具栏的“刷新”按钮。参阅Help:绕过浏览器缓存以获取更多帮助。

JSconfig.keys['HotCatListSize'] = 10; // Or any other integer value from 5 to 15; default is 5.
JSconfig.keys['HotCatDelay'] = 300;   // Timeout between a keypress and the refresh of the suggestion list. The default is 100 milliseconds.
JSconfig.keys['HotCatListSize'] = 10; // Or any other integer value from 5 to 15; default is 5.

$(document).ready(function() {
     $("body div#mw-head div#p-personal ul li#pt-userpage").before('<li id="pt-en"><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org" title="英文维基">英文维基百科</a></li>');

     $("span.comment, i, cite, em, var").each(function(){ 
     	 var oldHtml=this.innerHTML+""; 
     	 var newHtml=""; 
     	 var regex= /[\u0020-\u003b\u003d-\u1000]+/g;
	 var indexBuf;
	     indexBuf = regex.lastIndex;
             var match=regex.exec(oldHtml);
             var backFlag = false;
             if(match!=null) {

		 newHtml += oldHtml.substr(indexBuf, match.index - indexBuf);
		 //保护html标签; 若标签前为汉字, 退回
		 if (oldHtml[match.index-1] === "<") {
		     regex.lastIndex = match.index - 1;
		     backFlag = true;
		 else {
     		     newHtml += "<span class=\"halfspace\">"+match[0]+"</span>"; 
                 //保护html标签, 不加入span
		 if (oldHtml[regex.lastIndex] === "<") {
		     var protect = new RegExp("\\<.*?\\>","g");
		     protect.lastIndex = regex.lastIndex;
		     var protectMatch = protect.exec(oldHtml);
		     if (protectMatch != null) {
			 regex.lastIndex += protectMatch[0].length;
			 if (backFlag) {
			     backFlag = false;
			     newHtml += protectMatch[0].substr(1, protectMatch[0].length -1);
			 else {
			     newHtml += protectMatch[0];
     	 } while(match!=null)         

	 newHtml += oldHtml.substr(indexBuf, oldHtml.length - indexBuf);