
艾琳·曼顿奖(英語:Irene Manton Prize)是一项由倫敦林奈學會颁发的植物学奖项,1990年设立[1],以英国女植物学家艾琳·曼顿的名字命名[2][3]

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  1. ^ Irene Manton Prize. linnean.org. [7 February 2016]. (原始内容存档于27 November 2015). 
  2. ^ Preston, Reginald Dawson. Irene Manton. 17 April 1904-13 May 1988. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society. 1990, 35: 247–261. doi:10.1098/rsbm.1990.0011 . 
  3. ^ Biography of Irene Manton sponsored by the Linnean Society, in The Linnean, Special Issue No. 5 (2004). [2022-05-07]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-07). 

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