

程序 编辑


1) 起草法案。法案可以是由一位參議員或眾議員起草提出,也可以是基於某個行業代表機構或者個體公民提出的要求──他們甚至可以協助起草法案。但是,只有參議員或眾議員能夠正式提出立法議案。提案起草完畢後,起草人會在議員同事中尋找共同提案人,以增加提案的份量。

2) 立法草案在參議院或眾議院提出後被編號,提案名稱及提案人的名字被公佈在《國會議事錄》上。

聯席會議 编辑

法案和決議 编辑


法案如何成為法律 编辑


法定人數和投票 编辑

外部鏈接 编辑

參考文獻 编辑

  1. ^ John V. Sullivan. How Our Laws Are Made. The Library of Congress. July 24, 2007 [2010-09-11]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-19). System of Lights and Bells—Due to the diverse nature of daily tasks that they have to perform, it is not practicable for Members to be present in the House or Senate Chamber at every minute that the body is in session. Furthermore, many of the routine matters do not require the personal attendance of all the Members. A system consisting of electric lights and bells or buzzers located in various parts of the Capitol Building and House and Senate Office Buildings alerts Members to certain occurrences in the House and Senate Chambers. In the House, the Speaker has ordered that the bells and lights comprising the system be utilized as follows....