

卢基乌斯·科尔内利乌斯·秦纳拉丁語Lucius Cornelius Cinna,前2世纪—前84年),罗马共和国政治家军事家,他曾四次担任罗马共和国执政官,从公元前87年至84年连续任职四届[1]。他是古罗马科尔内利亚家族英语Cornelia gens的成员。

Lucius Cornelius Cinna
罗马共和国执政官 (前87年–前84年)
儿女柯内莉亚英语Cornelia (wife of Caesar)
小卢基乌斯·科尔内利乌斯·秦纳英语Lucius Cornelius Cinna (praetor 44 BC)

秦纳曾协助盖乌斯·马略第七次成为罗马执政官,但他的政治活动加剧了马略与贵族派领袖卢基乌斯·科尔内利乌斯·苏拉之间的紧张关系。他作为马略的盟友在他死后,便成为平民派的重要领导者之一,直到他遭遇兵变被杀为止[2]。秦纳对罗马政治的主要影响是他善于在法律框架内掩饰其暴政倾向[3],并使他的施政看起来像是在符合罗马宪政的前提下进行[4]。他的女儿柯内莉亚英语Cornelia (wife of Caesar)嫁给了日后的凯撒大帝

参考资料 编辑

  1. ^ Appian, The Civil Wars,Book I,139 (CI,75 and translator’s notes)
  2. ^ Bennet, Cinna and His Times, 61
  3. ^ Plutarch, Gaius Marius, Section 41
  4. ^ Bennet, Cinna and His Times, 62 and 65.

文献来源 编辑

  • Appian, “The Civil Wars, Book I” in Appian's Roman History, Translated by Horace White. Vol. 3 Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1964.
  • Bennett, Harold, Cinna and His Times: A Critical and Interpretive Study of Roman History During the Period 87–84 BC. Menasha, WI: The Collegiate Press, 1923.
  • Bulst, Christoph M., “‘Cinnanum Tempus’: A Reassessment of the ‘Dominatio Cinnae’,” Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte 13, no. 3 (1964): 307–337.
  • Lovano, Michael, The Age of Cinna: Crucible of Late Republican Rome. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2002.
  • Plutarch, “Gaius Marius,” in The Fall of the Roman Republic. Edited and translate by Rex Warner. London: Penguin Books, 2005.
  • Plutarch, “Sulla,” in The Fall of the Roman Republic. Translate by Rex Warner. London: Penguin Books, 2005.
  • Seager, Robin, “Sulla,” in The Last Age of the Roman Empire. The Cambridge Ancient History. Vol. 9. Great Britain: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
  • "Lucius Cornelius Cinna: War Against the State to Save the State @ Project Mosaic: Witness." Lucius Cornelius Cinna: War against the State to Save the State @ Project Mosaic: Witness. N.p., n.d. Web.

延伸阅读 编辑

  • Lovano, Michael. The Age of Cinna: Crucible of Late Republican Rome. Franz Steiner Verlag, 2002. Limited preview online.