

最有價值選手(英語:most valuable player縮寫MVP)是給予体育运动表現最佳運動員的榮譽。早期主要在職業運動賽事中使用,但後來亦廣泛用於業餘體育活動中,甚至非體育活動,如媒體[1][2]、商業及音樂獎項等。


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  1. ^ Carras, Christi. John King, CNN’s master of election maps, has slept just 6.5 hours since Tuesday. Los Angeles Times. 2020-11-05 [2020-11-06]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-23). But we’ve seen enough, and we’re making the call: CNN’s John King is the MVP. 
  2. ^ Sweney, Mark. CNN’s John King and his ‘magic wall’ keep viewers entranced. The Guardian. 2020-11-06 [2020-11-06]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-18). The Los Angeles Times has said King’s indefatigable efforts and insight have made him the election’s “MVP”.