
哈佛大學延伸教育學院(英語:Harvard Extension School,簡稱HES )是一所延伸教育英语Continuing education院校,也是哈佛大学旗下十二所授予学位的学校之一。哈佛大學延伸教育學院位於马萨诸塞州剑桥市,由哈佛大学文理学院直接管轄並公開招生。该學院的人文课程之師資部分來自於哈佛大学。 此外哈佛大學延伸教育學院頒授文理學士(本科)和文理碩士(研究生学位以及60多个领域的學習畢業证书,提供之課程有全職、在職、線上及混合课程。一般學院則均屬全職課程,提供文學士/文學碩士、理學學士/理學碩士。

Harvard Extension School
校址 美國馬薩諸塞州剑桥

哈佛大學延伸教育學院自1910年成立以来,已有500,000名学生在這所學校学习。其中有0.18%的人获得了学位。 [4]

歷史 编辑

年份[1] 註冊人數
1910–11 863
1914[5] 1,034
1915[5] 1,488
1919[6] ~1,300
1922–23[7] 1,727
1930–31 1,690
1934–35 871
1942–43 808
1945–46 1,243
1946–47 1,528
1947–1948 1,955
1951–52 2,062
1952–1953[1][8] 2,141
1956–57 2,890
1959–60 5,500+
1962–63 7,448
1963–64 8,435
1963–64 8,693
1971–72 10,000+
1974–75 9,677
1975–76 9,705
1977–78 ~11,677
1979–80 12,567
1981–82 17,034
1983–84 19,561
1984–85 20,366
1986–87 20,578
1990–91 ~22,500
1999–2000 ~24,000
2007–08 25,000+
2018 30,000[3][2]

参考文献 编辑

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Shinagel, Michael, The Gates Unbarred: A History of University Extension at Harvard, 1910–2009, Harvard University Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0674051355 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Schwartz, Natalie. 3 ways to improve online students' experience. October 17, 2019 [December 24, 2019]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-23). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Young, Jeffrey R. How Harvard Is Trying to Update the Extension School for the MOOC Age. May 3, 2018 [December 24, 2019]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-21). 
  4. ^ Shinagel 2010.
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 UNIVERSITY EXTENSIONS: Boston Declared the Leader in the Symposium at the Twentieth Century Club.. Boston Daily Globe. November 7, 1915: 17 [April 25, 2015]. [永久失效連結]
  6. ^ OFFER NEW UNIVERSITY EXTENSION COURSES. Boston Daily Globe. July 4, 1919: 10. 
  7. ^ UNIVERSITY EXTENSION: Many New Instructors Will Give Courses This Year. Boston Daily Globe. September 9, 1923: 60 [April 25, 2015]. [失效連結]
  8. ^ Harvey, Edward H. Extension Commission Gives College Education To Boston Adults For Four Bushels of Wheat. The Harvard Crimson. December 3, 1953 [November 20, 2015]. (原始内容存档于2017-05-09). 

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