


定義 编辑




各地中間偏右政黨 编辑

亞洲 编辑

大洋洲 编辑

  歐洲 编辑

美洲 编辑

非洲 编辑

參見 编辑

參考資料 编辑

  1. ^ Kahan, Alan S., The unexpected honeymoon of mind and money, 1730-1830, Kahan, Alan S. (编), Mind vs. money: the war between intellectuals and capitalism, New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers: 88, 2010, ISBN 9781412810630. 
  2. ^ Shenon, Philip; Greenhouse, Linda. Washington talk: Briefing; the King and the Joker. New York Times. 17 August 1988. This is the title of nobility clause, which provides: 'No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States'. 
  3. ^ Wood, Diane. Our 18th century constitution in the 21st century world. New York University Law Review, Madison Lecture (New York University School of Law). October 2005, 80 (4): 1079–1107 [2017-12-07]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-20). Debate [over the Constitution's] meaning is inevitable whenever something as specific as the... Titles of Nobility Clause is not at issue  pp. 105. Pdf.页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  4. ^ Fisker-Nielsen, Anne Mette, Religion and Politics in Contemporary Japan: Soka Gakkai Youth and Komeito, Routledge: 86, 2012