

醜陋,或稱難看不吸引人沒吸引力等,是一種被視為令人厭惡反感)的(視覺)特徵的美學評價用語,就人而言,它可以與外表性格有關,也可以與藝術作品和物品等有關。 它是由一個人、一個文化或一個時代主觀感知定義的,是的對立面。


被認定為醜陋可能會招致相關的負面連帶評價。[1] 有一些研究表明,外貌被認定為醜陋的訴訟參與者,經常獲得較嚴厲的司法判决結果[2][3]


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参考文献 编辑

  1. ^ Perpinyà, Núria. Ruins, Nostalgia and Ugliness. Five Romantic perceptions of Middle Ages and a spoon of Game of Thrones and Avant-garde oddity. Berlin: Logos Verlag. 2014 [2021-12-06]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-13). 
  2. ^ de Jong, Michelle; Collins, Anthony. Love and looks: A discourse of romantic love and consumer culture. Acta Academica. 2017, 49 (1): 84–102 [2021-12-06]. doi:10.18820/24150479/aa49i1.5. (原始内容存档于2021-12-06). 
  3. ^ McKelvie, Stuart J.; Coley, James. Effects of crime seriousness and offender facial attractiveness on recommended treatment. Social Behavior and Personality. 1993, 21 (4): 265–277. doi:10.2224/sbp.1993.21.4.265. 
  4. ^ Harris, Candice; Small, Jennie. Obesity and hotel staffing: Are hotels guilty of 'lookism'?. Hospitality & Society. 2013, 3 (2): 111–127. doi:10.1386/hosp.3.2.111_1. 
  5. ^ The line of beauty. The Economist. 27 August 2011 [2021-12-06]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-06).